Friday 22 July 2016

Oh! So This Is The Reason Why Dogs Run Behind Cars! Don’t You Want To Check Out?

Oh! So This Is The Reason Why Dogs Run Behind Cars! Don’t You Want To Check Out?

We are sure you all must have seen how dogs crazily run behind vehicles, isn’t it? Some people find it very funny while some others wonder as to why such a habit? Many of us have even experienced this; so now let us tell you the reasons as to why dogs do this!
It is because of their natural instinct!
The first and the basic reason for this habit of dogs is because they have this natural instinct. They love competition and the thrill associated with it. As soon as they see moving vehicles, adrenaline starts pumping. They love to run behind these vehicles. Moreover, like humans, even dogs have that natural feeling that something is going far away from them. Have you ever heard people say that you shouldn’t run in front of dogs? Well, it is because of this very reason!
Dogs love to play!
All dogs love playing and enjoy these activities. Haven’t you seen how dogs enjoy games such as Frisbee or tag? Now, when a car is moving in front of the dog, it would have that urge to catch it and would try to defeat it. However, the dog isn’t aware as to why this thing is enjoyable or what would it get by chasing; all it loves is being playful. Just due to the adrenaline rush, dogs go crazy and run at such high speeds.
Natural prey drive!
All dogs have that ‘Natural prey drive’ within them. Just like humans evolved from monkeys, even dogs have evolved from canine ancestors who used to hunt and survive on that. Although you wouldn’t see this in case of pet dogs, it is seen in case of wild dogs. Sometimes, dogs become so fierce that they end up hurting a person. So basically when a dog is having that strong ‘Prey drive’, it would show signs such as eating, killing, biting, chasing and catching.
So guys have you ever experienced this? Do let us know in our comments section below!

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