Friday 2 September 2016

25 fun & and interesting facts of pork pandi curry of Kodagu

1. Pork is the world’s most
popular meat: 85 billion
tons are consumed
2. There are around 1 billion
pigs in the world at any one
time, with China housing
more than half of that
3. A third of pork consumed is
via bacon. The nation
simply cannot get enough
bacon butties!
4. Pork has a high B1 vitamin
content and is a good
source of B2, B6, B12 and
5. Around 20% of pork is
made up of protein, making
it an important muscle
building meat
6. The record for the longest
sausage ever made is 59.14
km (36.7 miles) long. We
bet that took a while to eat!
7. The British Sausage
Appreciation Society
currently has over 5,000
members, people just love
8. If you are in the British
Army, you won’t be eating
‘bangers’, you will be
eating ‘snorkers’
9. The pig is one of the oldest
forms of livestock and they
have been domesticated
since 5000 BC
10. The average person will eat
28 pigs in their lifetime
11. In Denmark, there are twice
as many pigs as people
12. A fully grown male pig can
grow to over 500 pounds
13. To keep pork juicy and safe
it needs to be cooked to
145 Fahrenheit/62 Celsius
and rested for at least 3
14. There are more than 180
species of pigs, found on
every continent except
15. Pork tenderloin cuts are
almost as lean as skinless
chicken breasts
16. The first recorded recipe for
a pork pie was 1390 in the
kitchen of the Court of King
Richard and today’s pork
pie is still a direct
descendant of the medieval
pie tradition
17. Scientists believe that pigs
are one of the most
intelligent animals, ranking
close behind apes and
18. Pigs do not have sweat
glands and pale pigs risk
sunburn, hence they roll in
mud to keep themselves
19. There are 9 breeds of are
pig in the UK, including
Welsh rare breed pigs
20. Welsh rare breed pig was
first mentioned in the
1870s and is the third most
common breed in the U.K.
after the large white and
British Landrace ork tenderloin cuts are almost as
lean as skinless chicken breasts.
April 15th is Glazed Ham Day.
21 December 18th is National Roast
Suckling Pig Day.
22 Pork has more protein than chicken
and is high in zinc, iron and B-
23 At the global level, pork is by far the
most widely consumed meat.
Pork is the most versatile meat. It can
be marinated, roasted, grilled,
skewered, dry rubbed, boiled, baked,
barbecued, microwaved, pan-fried or
stir-fried. 1
24 During the War of 1812, a packer
named Uncle Sam Wilson sent off
several hundred barrels of pork for the
25 In Denmark, there are twice as many
pigs as people.
Source mobile cuisine &

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