Friday 2 December 2016

Proud 2b gowda classic pixel life wallpaper

Proud 2b gowda is a live wallpaper Android app for all the people of AREBASHE Gowda's Download the app from


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Coorg gowda logo

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Another one Android app for Kodagu gowdas

Download a brand new Kodagu gowda logo live wallpaper app for Android with some cool animation

Kodagu gowda logo

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How to use the app?
After downloading> install > then go to settings > display > wallpaper setting > live wallpaper > Kodagu gowda LWP > set wallpaper now ur app is ready to use
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Screenshots of the app

Sunday 2 October 2016

Awesome facts of Firefly which are commonly found in Kodagu (coorg) !!

Ever Wondered Why Fireflies Glow During Summer Nights? Here’s The Exact Reason!
Well, we all have seen the faint uncanny glow of fireflies especially in the summer nights. But did you ever wonder how do these insects light up during the under the moon shine? The process is kinda astonishing!
Typically seen as the summer time staple owing to their thriving power in warm and humid environment, there are around 2000 species of insects that glow in the night. That’s like a lot! Exotic Earth indeed!

But the question is what makes them glow? Here’s why:
Actually, they have a chemical locha . Yes! Fireflies produce a chemical reaction inside their bodies that cause them to shine. This process is called bio-luminescence. Okay, so this isn’t the same as a light bulb as it produces heat along with light, the fireflies emit cold light. Hmmm, so now we know why do not they catch fire when they are called ‘fireflies’. Anyway, let me enlighten you a bit over the process. When oxygen combines with calcium, Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and luciferin in the presence of luciferase, light is produced.

Nevertheless, scientists are still not sure of their blinking patterns. This somehow remains a mystery, as they are still not sure if the patterns are controlled by the fireflies’ organ or oxygen supply. But fortunately, they do know what these flashes are used for. And that’s something we should have guessed about! The fireflies emit light which work as signals to grab the attention of possible future mates. In fact, both male and female turn on their lights when selecting a mate, and some also suggest that blinking is their way of communicating with each other during courtship. You see the Love-Lust Chase thing is everywhere!
So, ya I assume now things are pretty clear with you all. Also, about that so called myth you had –
if you hold a firefly, it will eventually stop glowing because it has to fly in order to produce the energy which helps it emit light?

That isn’t true. They do not have to move in order to produce light, as suggested by Steven Haddock, bioluminescence Scientist at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute.
So, the next time you see the fireflies, you would know – Chemical Locha hai Boss!
Fireflies talk to each other with light.
Fireflies emit light mostly to attract mates, although they also communicate for other reasons as well, such as to defend territory and warn predators away. In some firefly species, only one sex lights up. In most, however, both sexes glow; often the male will fly, while females will wait in trees, shrubs and grasses to spot an attractive male. If she finds one, she'll signal it with a flash of her own.
Fireflies produce “cold light.”

Firefly lights are the most efficient lights in the world—100% of the energy is emitted as light. Compare that to an incandescent bulb, which emits 10% of its energy as light and the rest as heat, or a fluorescent bulb, which emits 90% of its energy as light. Because it produces no heat, scientists refer to firefly lights as “cold lights.”
In a firefly's tail, you'll find two chemicals: luciferase and luciferin. Luciferin is heat resistant, and it glows under the right conditions. Luciferase is an enzyme that triggers light emission. ATP, a chemical within the firefly's body, converts to energy and initiates the glow. All living things, not just fireflies, contain ATP.

Firefly eggs glow.
Adult fireflies aren't the only ones that glow. In some species, the larvae and even the eggs emit light. Firefly eggs have been observed to flash in response to stimulus such as gentle tapping or vibrations.

Fireflies eat other fireflies.
Fireflies are primarily carnivorous. Larvae usually eat snails and worms. Some species of fireflies feed on other fireflies—most notable is the genus
photuris, which mimics female flashes of photinus , a closely related species, in order to attract and devour the males of that species. But adult fireflies have almost never been seen feeding on other species of bugs. Scientists aren't sure what they eat. They may feed on plant pollen and nectar, or they may eat nothing.
Fireflies have short lifespans.
An adult firefly lives only long enough to mate and lay eggs—so they may not need to eat during their adult life stage. The larvae usually live for approximately one year, from mating season to mating season, before becoming adults and giving birth to the next generation.
Fireflies imitate each other.
Female photuris aren't the only impostors among fireflies—the species is surprisingly devious when it comes to imitation. Sometimes male photuris imitate male photinus to attract females of their own species. She shows up looking for food, but instead he gets a mate.
Even more interesting, scientists believe some
photinus males imitate photuris females giving off bad impressions of photinus male flashes, scaring off other photinus males and reducing competition.

Fireflies are found on almost every continent.
Fireflies love warm, humid areas. Because of this, they thrive in tropical regions as well as temperate zones—they come out in the summertime in these environments—on all continents except Antarctica. Fireflies thrive in forests, fields and marshes near lakes, rivers, ponds, streams and vernal pools. They need a moist environment to survive.
Some species of firefly larvae are generally aquatic—they even have gills—while others live almost entirely in trees.

Fireflies are medically and scientifically useful.
The two chemicals found in a firefly's tail, luciferase and luciferin, light up in the presence of ATP. Every animal has ATP in its cells in amounts that are more or less constant—or should be. In diseased cells, the amount of ATP may be abnormal. If the chemicals from fireflies are injected into diseased cells, they can detect changes in cells that can be used to study many diseases, from cancer to muscular dystrophy.
But that's not all they're used for. Electronic detectors built with these chemicals have been fitted into spacecraft to detect life in outer space, as well as food spoilage and bacterial contamination on earth.

Fireflies don't make tasty prey.
When attacked, fireflies shed drops of blood in a process known as “reflex bleeding.” The blood contains chemicals that taste bitter and can be poisonous to some animals. Because of this, many animals learn to avoid eating fireflies. Pet owners should never feed fireflies
to lizards, snakes and other reptilian pets.

Friday 2 September 2016

25 fun & and interesting facts of pork pandi curry of Kodagu

1. Pork is the world’s most
popular meat: 85 billion
tons are consumed
2. There are around 1 billion
pigs in the world at any one
time, with China housing
more than half of that
3. A third of pork consumed is
via bacon. The nation
simply cannot get enough
bacon butties!
4. Pork has a high B1 vitamin
content and is a good
source of B2, B6, B12 and
5. Around 20% of pork is
made up of protein, making
it an important muscle
building meat
6. The record for the longest
sausage ever made is 59.14
km (36.7 miles) long. We
bet that took a while to eat!
7. The British Sausage
Appreciation Society
currently has over 5,000
members, people just love
8. If you are in the British
Army, you won’t be eating
‘bangers’, you will be
eating ‘snorkers’
9. The pig is one of the oldest
forms of livestock and they
have been domesticated
since 5000 BC
10. The average person will eat
28 pigs in their lifetime
11. In Denmark, there are twice
as many pigs as people
12. A fully grown male pig can
grow to over 500 pounds
13. To keep pork juicy and safe
it needs to be cooked to
145 Fahrenheit/62 Celsius
and rested for at least 3
14. There are more than 180
species of pigs, found on
every continent except
15. Pork tenderloin cuts are
almost as lean as skinless
chicken breasts
16. The first recorded recipe for
a pork pie was 1390 in the
kitchen of the Court of King
Richard and today’s pork
pie is still a direct
descendant of the medieval
pie tradition
17. Scientists believe that pigs
are one of the most
intelligent animals, ranking
close behind apes and
18. Pigs do not have sweat
glands and pale pigs risk
sunburn, hence they roll in
mud to keep themselves
19. There are 9 breeds of are
pig in the UK, including
Welsh rare breed pigs
20. Welsh rare breed pig was
first mentioned in the
1870s and is the third most
common breed in the U.K.
after the large white and
British Landrace ork tenderloin cuts are almost as
lean as skinless chicken breasts.
April 15th is Glazed Ham Day.
21 December 18th is National Roast
Suckling Pig Day.
22 Pork has more protein than chicken
and is high in zinc, iron and B-
23 At the global level, pork is by far the
most widely consumed meat.
Pork is the most versatile meat. It can
be marinated, roasted, grilled,
skewered, dry rubbed, boiled, baked,
barbecued, microwaved, pan-fried or
stir-fried. 1
24 During the War of 1812, a packer
named Uncle Sam Wilson sent off
several hundred barrels of pork for the
25 In Denmark, there are twice as many
pigs as people.
Source mobile cuisine &

Sunday 21 August 2016

7 places to visit Kodagu (coorg)

Truly the “Scotland of India,” Coorg is one of the top tourist attractions in India. Mystical hills, cool breeze, salubrious climate, and rich aroma of coffee and cardamom plantations will engulf your senses as you step into this quaint hill station of Karnataka. Unspoiled, serene and beautiful, Coorg is the perfect retreat to unwind and rejuvenate, or indulge into sheer adventure.Read all about 7 best places to visit in Coorg.
You can visit coorg round the year as temperature ranges between 15-20 degrees on this famous hill station. October to March is the best time for trekking and adventure activities, while March and April are best to view the valley beautified with white flowers. It is best to avoid June to September (rainy season) to enjoy the trip, though the beauty of Coorg is enhanced during rains.
7 Best Places to Visit in Coorg
Planning a holiday in Coorg? We present to you the 7 best places to see in Coorg.
1. The Amazing Abbey Falls
Category: Nature
The Abbey Falls is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in South India, located 10 km. away from Madikere. Undoubtedly, one of the best places to visit in Coorg, the amazing waterfalls cascading from majestic mountains of the Western Ghats, with misty clouds in the backdrop, is a beauty to behold. The water gushes down over the boulders in thunderous splash, presenting the most beautiful sight to cherish forever. The waterfalls are nestled amid stretches of coffee plantations and pepper vines, exuding picturesque beauty. It is also a popular trekking spot in Coorg. Walk down the hanging bridge to have a fantastic view of the falls.
Famous For: Sightseeing, trekking, Kali Mata Temple and nature walk
Distance from Airport : Mangalore Airport (152.4 km.)
Distance from Railway Station : Mysore Railway Station (121.6 km.)
2. The Romantic Raja’s Seat
Category: History and Culture
Once the favorite place of leisure of Kodagu kings, Raja’s Seat is one of the top 10 places to visit in Coorg! Nowhere else you will see flowers bloom so beautifully as you see them in Raja’s Seat, a sprawling seasonal garden perched on a hillock that offers picturesque view of the sunset. Visit the Raja’s Seat early morning and you will find the valley covered with mist, resembling a bride dressed in white gown. There is also a pillared structure amid the exquisite garden, presenting sublime architectural beauty. It is also a nice place for recreational activities and mostly visited by families and honeymoon couples. Unwind and rejuvenate at the lap of nature at Raja’s Seat.
Famous For: Scenic beauty, recreational activities, and watching sunset
Distance from Airport : Mangalore International Airport (146.6 km.)
Distance from Railway Station : Mysore Junction (117.1 km.)
Timings: 5:30 am. to 8:00 pm.
Entry Fee : Rs. 5
3. The Mesmerizing Mallalli Falls
Category: Nature
The vibrant and beautiful Mallalli Falls is situated at the foothills of Pushpagiri Hills in Kodagu District of Karnataka, and is one of the best tourist places in Coorg that attract nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts. The waterfalls cascades majestically from a splendid height of over 200 ft., making it one of the tallest falls in South India. The sight and sound of the water trouncing against the rocks beneath is a spectacle to behold, which will echo in your mind forever. Visit the falls during monsoon season when it exudes a more brilliant charm that will amaze you. Simply relax and listen to the sound of the water as it gushes through ravines and crevices.
Famous For: Natural beauty, adventure trekking, and leisurely walk
Distance from Airport : Mangalore International Airport (168 km.)
Distance from Railway Station : Mangalore Central Railway Station (155 km.)
4. The Outstanding Omkareshwara Temple
Category: Religious
The beautiful Omkareshwara Temple was built in 1820 and features spectacular Mumammadan architectural style with a center dome and four corners with turrets. The temple has a Shiva Linga near the entrance, which was built to console the spirit of a Brahmin who was unjustly killed by the king Lingarajendra II. The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. There is a beautiful lake in front of the temple, where there are plenty of fishes. The beautiful blend of Gothic and Islamic architectural styles gives the impression of a Muslim Dargah.
Famous For: Place of worship
Distance from Airport : Mangalore International Airport (146.2 km.), Mysore Airport (131 km.)
Distance from Railway Station : Mysore Junction (116.5 km.)
Timings: 6:30 am. to 12:00 pm. and 5:00 pm. to 8:00 pm.
5. The Tranquil Talacauvery and Bhagamandala
Category: Religious; Nature
Talacauvery, situated in the Brahmagiri Hill, is about 1200 meters above sea level, offering picturesque scenic beauty. Every year, water gushes out from a little pond at Talacauvery, which is the birthplace of River Cauvery. It is an important pilgrimage center and is also renowned for its panoramic beauty. The beautiful temples are situated in Bhagamandala and are among the most visited places in Coorg. The holy river is a popular pilgrimage spot in South India, where devotees take a dip into the water to free themselves from physical and mental afflictions. The beautiful Triveni Sangam is a sight to behold, where the three famous rivers flowing through Kodagu District confluence. If you visit Talacauvery, you have to Bhagamandala as well.
Famous For: Talacauvery Temple, scenic beauty, River Cauvery, and Triveni Sangam
Distance from Airport : Mysore Airport (174.2 km.), Mangalore International Airport (152.3 km.)
Distance from Railway Station : Mysore Railway Station (159.8 km.)
Timings of Sri Bhagandeshwara Temple (Talacauvery Temple) : 6:00 am. to 6:00 pm.
6. The Captivating Cauvery Nisargadhama
Category: Nature
Cauvery Nisargadhama is a charming island formed by River Cauvery, and is one of the main tourist places in Coorg. The island, which is also a popular picnic spot near Coorg, stretches across 64 km. and is nestled amid lush bamboo groves, thick foliage, and beautiful sandalwood and teak trees. The island can be reached via a hanging rope bridge, which is perhaps the most exhilarating part of the journey. Once can come across rabbits, peacocks, and deer on this island. There is also an orchidarium and children’s playground in this place.
Famous For: Boating, elephant rides, sightseeing, and swimming (only in certain parts of the water)
Distance from Airport : Mangalore Airport (173.4 km.)
Distance from Railway Station : Mysore Junction (89.9 km.)

7. The Implausible Iruppu Falls
Category: Nature; Religious
The magnificently cascading Iruppu Falls is located in Brahmagiri Hills, and is ranked as one of the most popular in the list of tourist places in Coorg. Backing its religious significance, it is believed that when Lord Rama and his brother Lakshmana were in search of Devi Sita, Lord Rama was thirsty and so, Lakshmana shot an arrow in the ground from where water oozed to quench his thirst. The river creates Iruppu Falls that descends down from 60 meters, creating picturesque beauty. The sound of the gushing water resonates throughout the silent forest, creating a beautiful sight to behold.
Famous For: Scenic beauty
Distance from Airport : Mangalore International Airport (221.7 km.)
Distance from Railway Station : Mysore Junction (106.2 km.)
To read more about Coorg, read Coorg Travel Guide on

Friday 22 July 2016

Oh! So This Is The Reason Why Dogs Run Behind Cars! Don’t You Want To Check Out?

Oh! So This Is The Reason Why Dogs Run Behind Cars! Don’t You Want To Check Out?

We are sure you all must have seen how dogs crazily run behind vehicles, isn’t it? Some people find it very funny while some others wonder as to why such a habit? Many of us have even experienced this; so now let us tell you the reasons as to why dogs do this!
It is because of their natural instinct!
The first and the basic reason for this habit of dogs is because they have this natural instinct. They love competition and the thrill associated with it. As soon as they see moving vehicles, adrenaline starts pumping. They love to run behind these vehicles. Moreover, like humans, even dogs have that natural feeling that something is going far away from them. Have you ever heard people say that you shouldn’t run in front of dogs? Well, it is because of this very reason!
Dogs love to play!
All dogs love playing and enjoy these activities. Haven’t you seen how dogs enjoy games such as Frisbee or tag? Now, when a car is moving in front of the dog, it would have that urge to catch it and would try to defeat it. However, the dog isn’t aware as to why this thing is enjoyable or what would it get by chasing; all it loves is being playful. Just due to the adrenaline rush, dogs go crazy and run at such high speeds.
Natural prey drive!
All dogs have that ‘Natural prey drive’ within them. Just like humans evolved from monkeys, even dogs have evolved from canine ancestors who used to hunt and survive on that. Although you wouldn’t see this in case of pet dogs, it is seen in case of wild dogs. Sometimes, dogs become so fierce that they end up hurting a person. So basically when a dog is having that strong ‘Prey drive’, it would show signs such as eating, killing, biting, chasing and catching.
So guys have you ever experienced this? Do let us know in our comments section below!

Thursday 21 July 2016



A lot of people around the world drink coffee immediately after they wake up. And we all love those sunny days, when we can hang out in the garden or in the closest coffee shop and drink coffee with our friends. Well yes, you are absolutely right, when it comes to drinking coffee. It’s very beneficial and useful for the human body, but – you shouldn’t drink it on empty stomach, especially in the morning.
First, you need to know that by drinking a cup of black coffee, on an empty stomach – early in the morning, will increase the amount of hydrochloric acid inside your digestive tract. Well, this means that if you suffer from gastritis, then you’ve probably felt this. This hydrochloric acid is actually bad for the food in your stomach.
So, when you eat something heavy, this acid can cause some digestive problems, because it would cause a difficult digestion of proteins. And when protein isn’t fully decomposed and absorbed, it can lead to other digestive issues, such as: bloating, inflammation of the bowel, irritation and might cause a colon cancer.
This is why many medical experts warn that you shouldn’t drink coffee in the morning, on empty stomach – immediately after you wake up. Well, the main reason is because coffee will increase the levels of cortisol and the body needs a long time to balance them to its normal state. Cortisol is a hormone that controls our biological clock and the ability to stay awake. You should also know that the consumption on an empty stomach will increase the levels of acid in the stomach – which causes vomiting and bloating.
As you can see, drinking coffee on empty stomach, immediately after you wake up can be really bad for you. This means that you should have a breakfast before drinking your morning coffee. But, if you can’t eat breakfast and you can’t start your day without a cup of coffee – then you should add some milk or butter in your coffee. It will reduce its harmful effects.